If ever there was a signature style to have...NAILS is just it for me. My nails have been a staple for me and they've been crafted in such a way to where they've somehow...garnered attention n little did I know how much the inspiration would spread.
Not sure if you've noticed but I'm a "girls girl" in the manner of alllll things girly. Growing up my mama always did my nails until I got old enough to do them myself. It was always a fun time and relaxing to swipe shades of pink across my nails. The anxious process of waiting for them to dry and trying to remain stiff to not smudge 'em forced me to pause from playing but I knew it would be worth it in the end. I've carried on such traditions well into adulthood.
If ever you'd like to harken back to a sweet tale of how I wanted to be a prostitue growing up; you can check out:
The Power of Red post :P

Ok, Ok, Ok...So...back to the title of this post-The Origin! I recently went down south to visit family for a homegoing celebration and soon as my cousin seen me; she couldn't help but to direct my attention to her nails in a proud manner to show me they were on point, lol. I couldn't help but chuckle. As we were playing catch up and having a kiki-the convo shifted to my nail history being an inspo for them to step their game up. I remember years ago they'd hit me up for suggestions on shape, colors n designs. Now for ME, I've been in sync with my Nail Stylist: Sharisse from Salon Couture (Forestville, MD) for over ten years and she just gets me. I can toss out a theme or idea and we coordinate colors n I allow her to express herself knowing she knows me so well and VOILA-magic!!
I also have my left hand as the design to signify my dominate yet creative side (I'm a lefty) and my right hand as the soft demure simple side. My hands are alter egos and definitely an extension of me without having to speak. I love that every month, I can count on Sharisse painting artwork on my hand in such a way that brings me joy when I look down n they perk me up. They always attention starters at the counters n YES!! I love them-sooo when I give advice on nails, I have to preface with that short story becuz you have to be comfortable and sure of yourself to take on what comes with this...style!
Long story short, lol, my cousins made me so proud to see they've made it apart of their own lifestyle and upgraded their standards in a "what would Kisha do" kinda way in upkeeping their nails. It really tugs at my heart becuz it goes to show that u never know who's watching or who ur inspiring while ur cultivating ur own life and it also make me emotional with the impressions being left. I've always told yall...as much as yall think so highly of me, I am just as enamored by yall becuz the love is felt and it gives me the drive to not let yall down. We got standards over here, lol. I appreciate chall for just-getting it.
Without further ado...I will be presenting monthly post called Nail Files as I drop inspo designs here for the keeping! I will also dedicate this post to my cousins Angel n Luvie who helped me freestyle the title as we chatted on the idea. Luvie keeps a nail diary herself n this will help me harken back to past designs to swoon over myself. Thanx Laydeez <3
