The middle of the week often requires a quick pick me up to get through the remainder of the week. We've survived the beginning of the week n here we are...the halfway mark called Hump Day. Today's Werk Couture was inspired by my first dip into mixed prints. I totally didn't think twice about the clash n surprisingly...it worked. I always get compliments on this combo. The statement piece **cue singing** "if u like pina coladaaaaa" is a lovely-yet old, kimono from ASOS.

Did u knoooow (per seriousfacts.com) pineapple is used to alleviate symptoms of nasal congestion, common cold n cough?? All this time I been guzzling OJ (no knife) when I should've been taking a squig of pineapple juice. It's an easy piece to always toss on n over to let it work for u. I just added an extra kick to the mix w/the snow leopard jumpsuit. Funny thing wit onesies (jumpsuits) is I tend to not incorporate how much time it'll take me to get it off. Soooo...yea my water intake is lower cuz I definitely had some instances where it almost ain't end well n buttons tap dancing along the floor.

Another quick mixed print tip...when u have a garment that's black n white, whether its stripes, polka dots, snow leopard, zebra print or any black n white pattern...IT WILL mix wonderfully with a colorful print becuz u can use it as the "neutral" (and vice versa).

As a symbol of welcome in some parts of the world, when u present pineapples to someone it says "you are perfect"n today's #WerkCouture confirms the message. I got several comments throughout the day n the best one was a woman telling me she enjoyed walking behind me cuz it gave her a sense of joy n appreciated how fun the look presented itself.
Mission Accomplished!
