I always find it chuckle-able when encountering kids and they have the wildest request with the craziest of imaginations. These mini chatty patties will talk your head off and have the biggest audacities of the sort as they tell you their wants and dreams. Toot recently turned six and said he wanted a moonbounce and mini elephants for his birthday. I thought it was so cute and even when I told him it's too cold for animals to be out; he came back with a solution to have them in the house so we all could stay warm. Isn't the innocence of children so darling? I wish I could bottle it up before the world shapes n shifts them in such a way to remove the space to think of a nasty word such as impossible. How grand would it be to have their optimism at our big age and remove the views of roadblocks and embrace the adventure. The mind of a child doesn't operate in logic nor doubt but the power within the belief that anything is possible.
So I must say...the idea of this post came from a phrase my sister mentioned after Rickey tried to get the scoop on my new prospect, lol. He asked her "so how is he" basically trying to gauge his approval rate and she's like "I like him but I'm also blindly optimistic, lol" I laughed becuz although it's truuuuue...I kinda like it. I've always been a risk taker and leaper of faith but when it comes to my love life, I will hit the mannequin challenge quick on yo azz!! As much as I admire people who hop in head first with a heart wide open-past experiences and fear keep me from doin such, which is crazy becuz I have confidence in other areas yet...this one I'm like eeeeh mmmm eeeerrr uuuuh ion know!
Although I can admit I'm hesitant; I will say....I'm NOT bitter nor jaded to the point where I don't see the good in what COULD be; so I'm open and I go in with clean slates. See...I have some optimism of some sort right :7 Ok so...this post isn't about that, lol. Look at me running away from the subject quicker than a debit charge :D I wanna get back to finding the audacity kids have and I vow to get delusional this year. I want to see my visions come to fruition whether its on a big or small scale because the beauty is swirling in the things you don't think are possible.
SO BOOM!!! I'll drop my first idea nibbling at my brain that I've sat on for over 12 months and that is...I wanna do a coffee table book-THERE I said it out loud n I'm leaving it here to harken back on and for accountability purposes. I'm not saying I'm the best photographer but I am sayin...I get asked who takes my pics enuff to know that...I'm on to something that CAN be a great thing. I'm a visual person and combining that with my creativity WILL make a great coffee table read. Now that I've said it not just to myself but to yaaaallll-I gotta execute!!
Typically when I stay in the land of optiism, I get opportunities I had no idea I'd qualify for-let alone obtain! There are times where I look around and think "how did I get here" and gratitude flows over me because I know its by way of God n Grace to have carried me through. I can be minding my business and a door unlocks and there I stand still to think...do I take this window of opportunity or stay in what's comfortable and familiar. This is why community is important to me! I appreciate being able to call on yall in whatever ur field of expertise for suggestions and feedback to help me determine going through the unlocked door or taking the window lol.
I am coming before you today to let you know that what you all may see at times is a confident woman of certainty and direction that what I really have is an open and abundant mindset that gets me by. It's the getting by that I am tired of-to be honest. Getting by sounds like juuuuust enuff to me and I know I'm destined for more. I am worthy of more than just gettin by and I am declaring myself to be blindly optimistic in all areas of my life-including my **gulp** love life. Like GIRL...let somebody love you chile!! I already have the main ingredients which include faith, confidence and optimism so like...bytch just bake the cake!! Why do I allow the mix to sit and go bad, smh. Lemme gawn head n turn on the oven (which by default we always preheat to 350...who came up with that lol) and also feel free to hold my feet to the fire as well. I am always here for the constructive critism n coat tail tugs where yall like "sooo what's up with **insert whatever I been procrastinating on**??" and as much as I roll my eyes n give yall smacking lips-I LOVE YOU FOR THIS!! I'm honored yall can see something in me shine that I don't see or want to acknowledge.
Anyhoo...here's to being blindly optimistic and embracing uncertainty when you have no clue on what you doin or how you gonna do it. May we fight off the pessimist and stop making excuses to why we can't so we can find why we can. Instead of why me, how about-why not me? Becuz if not now, when?
**le sigh**
Thanx for coming to my Ted Tawk!!