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Writer's picturekisha no e

Christmas Wishlist

Updated: Jan 2

At our big age, what do you get someone who has everything? Christmas for the kids? What about urself? Do you gift urself n put em under the Xmas tree? I've always done that, lol. The stuff I get from Black Friday shopping typically go under the tree...speaking of trees, if mine doesn't go up ain't happening.

Update: Ok so I did put up a tree in the NICK of time, lol. I am truly PUSHING myself into the spirit becuz well...yall know my history around the holiday time. My family has been comforting n checking on me more often than not-I love that for me <3 and as much as I wanna drown in sorrows n drag my azz day to day...I absolutely canNOT. I have 2 sweet innocent angels that depend on my love n nurturing despite my personal loss.

At the moment, I am here and I'm getting back to a place of being present. I am juggling the sense of uncertainty along with balancing the scales of life while sneaking time to grieve to myself-please bare with me.

What are you looking for Santa to place under the tree for you? Me? I welcome all Nordy gift cards. I like to collect them for 2 major shopping times of the year which is the anniversary sale and Spring. I slow down from shopping AS much for Fall/Winter because since I'm more IN the house than not, I don't need to grab anything and Winter can be short. It doesn't really get cold until early December. Time moves so fast you wake up in January and I start prepping for March which is when Spring starts and Cherry Blossom time! 

So aside from Nordstrom GC's which u can NEVER go wrong in gifting me, the biggest gift I am looking for from Santa can be expensive and very rare. You can't find this gift on the shelves n often times, it's years in the making so to request something of this magnitude at the last minute can be pushing it. 

The gift I would love nothing more to receive this Christmas is PEACE! Not peace as in quiet; I'm talkin a tranquil moment where there's a sense of calming surrounding me n allows random thoughts to move to the forefront of my brain vs getting lost as an afterthought. I want to enjoy just being n not having to think or overthink what's next for the day. This is also why I like days of nothing-no schedule, no where to be, nobody callin wit foolishness. Granted peace can be subjective to what your own peace looks like.

When I look around n see what I have, what I don't have and what I'd like to have; I am overwhelmed by the gratitude in it all and there's truly nothing that I need (unless there's 20k to clear student loans n nem) becuz I already have it and that is PEACE!! Peace in my heart, peace in my mind, peace in how I move-just peace and I love it throughout the holidays n work to maintain it thereafter.

May all of you reading this find some peace for the holidays. Despite the circumstances n the losses or drama encountered which hinders peace; dig deep in Santa's bag n make sure you pluck the gift and fully enjoy it; whether a short time or extended period of time-Peace is always the goal.

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