This month flew faster than a debit charge! We kicked the New Year with what I didn't think would happen-SNOW!! DMV gets a good snow blast every blue moon. Clearly...2022 was the blue moon and as a #WinterBaby I ain't mad. Thanks to the numbers, I was back at home which-no complaints here-I can get used to (again). After enjoying family time from the holiday season, it was time to get into planning the year mode but the snow left me hibernating even more n with literally EVERYONE catching the vid, I've been laying low n out the way all month loooong! The temp dipping to brick also helped but the month has been a whirlwind of laziness for me.
Looking back on the month, I thought it would be fun to snag a page from my planner and write it out to share but also look back on when the year is over for my own sake:

What did I learn this month:
What was my greatest accomplishment:
Enjoying the holidays with my family and completing our family photoshoot-in peace lol.
When did I experience joy this month:
What am I spending too little/too much time on?
I am spending too little time on producing and perfecting content creation and too much time on TV (these binges be like marathons)
What didn't go to plan? And how can I improve it next month?
Getting into a groove to start exercising. It be hard to move when ur snuggled in bed and its cold outside! I know...excuses-excuses!! I am going to improve by dedicating a full hour at least 2 time a week and increase every week up to 3 days.
What is holding me back?
Myself. Starting has always been the hard part annnnd I procrastinate (shocker).
What do I want to achieve next month?
No splurges for self and paying off remnants of small bills that linger (dmn u affirms lol). I am also gonna step up my game in learning French cuz once every few days isn't cutting it. I definitely wanna get better at giving time to things that will better serve me and enhance my life skills.
Thank you for the birthday wishes n love! It was greatly appreciated. It was a beautiful day being honored by loved ones. As rocky as the month might've started and for as loooong as this month has felt, I am optimistic to get better throughout the year. I am determined to conquer my own fears n push thruuuuu. These challenges to myself are keeping me accountable n I know yall won't let me fail.
