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  • Writer's picturekisha no e

and on this day, 5 yrs ago...

Doesn't it seem like just yesterday I was letting the cat out the bag, whether I announced it privately or publicly; it seems like **sniff** wow...time moves so fast as we get older n grasp the concept of time. My last hoorah...the terror tot you've all been watching grow up turns a whopping FIVE today!! Can u believe neither-crazy right.

I had a pretty good pregnancy...aside from the endless constipation...heartburn n sleepless nights cuz I just couldn't get comfortable after 20 weeks...I have no complaints. Barely endured the belly bump n the infamous wobble and totally skimped maternity clothes.

If u are new here, u can be brought up to speed with a rewind to my old blog n read up on:

Those will give u the rollercoaster rides of how we got here! I still have folks baffled how we do it n make it work. It's totally non-traditional. It's also not for the weak. It takes a special kind of family to do what we've done and I wouldn't trade it for anything. When I sit back n reflect on my life n make peace with missteps n lost opportunities, I regret none of my babies who were truly made from LOVE. Luckily for me, it reflects within their personality.

The interesting thing with parenting two kids are the same n to be honest that also relates to me being a mom. I am not the mom I was at 25 n although I apply some of the same practices as I did being a first time mom, the techniques have definitely changed. I am one woman as two moms! Becuz I've studied them so much, I know my kids. The temperaments n attitudes along with the likes n dislikes. They are of two generations yet still similar. It's so funny how Toot reminds me of Mason with certain mannerisms n the flexibility to say the darnest things smh. I meeeeeaaaan surely the comedic side is from ME!!.

Toot is a whole FIVE year old. Yall know what that means...Team No Coddle starts NOW!! He's been at the "let me do it" independent stage n this is where I capitalize on the momentum. He has already checked one thing off the! Toot makes a mean scrambled egg. As tradition, we are celebrating his birthday in Disney. It was what I did with Mason as I wanted them to be at an age it would be memorable (and for them to be able to walk without them bulky azz strollers).

We are totally ecstatic to watch this little tyke grow. He's been such a beam of light within our lives n has definitely been apart of my healing n growth. The responsibility of being a mother n ensuring as the hand that rocks the cradle I give my kids the nurture n guidance to the best of my ability is important to me. There's such an awakening n rebirth ignited through growing n giving life which I appreciate and to have the view from my lens makes life even more grand.

His birthday is mines too, lol. Happy FIF birthday to Toot (and us).

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