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01 September

Writer's picture: kisha no ekisha no e

Goodbye August and Hellooooo September! Wow, these months rolling along huh. Welcome to 4th quarter! Halloween candy is out on shelves, Xmas lists getting created annnd best part about this time of the year is...KIDS BACK IN SCHOOL :D Woo Hoo.

Labor Day Weekends are always Summers Finale. I ain't mad cuz I've been waiting on Fall since after Spring lol. This is the time where you see a lot of next season fashions n tips on how to transition into Fall. U can feel the change in the air. I love paying attention to seasonal changes n pausing in the moment becuz the calendar months are torn off as fast as u flip em.

Icconic Mom in zebra caftan
Feel Free to click on the pic for the caftan

My plans for September...I wanna use this month to sit still and scrub. I always talk about purging my closet but I'm speaking in the realm of things in my life that don't belong. I am always looking to better myself n continue to evolve. In order to do that...erybody can't go. Taking time to scrub the boards n rewrite visions. What is my theme for 2024? What could I have done better in 2023? Creating short term n long term goals...and brainstorming what I gotta do to get there. Sounds like a lot to deliberate on in a short time left in the year. My Summer Sabbatical also gave me some momentum to do more pauses in social media spaces. I'm getting better with Tok's to Tik n gaining traction when I'm active. I gotta do mooooooore...n step out the comfort zone.

August was good to me, no complaints there! The Bey concert was a MAJOR highlight of the month n I am open to receiving my blessings for whatever September would love to bring.

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