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01 October

Writer's picture: kisha no ekisha no e

Goodbye September and Hello October!! was only 2 posts ago I was welcoming September so clearly...I need to step my post game up or time needs to relax. we are with two months left before we hit 2025-sheesh!!

October is one of my favorite months. Not just for the weather but the season of Halloween. I love horror movies...well...the older ones and look forward to the mania's of Hocus Pocus's...Charlie Brown's return and my absolute FAVORITE binge of a cult classic:

If ever I'd do a theme party...THIS would be on the list. I remember growin up n randomly coming across this movie that intrigued me. It's so cornily funny n the satire along with it being a musical-SOLD!!! The best part is finding other "Rockies" and watching it inside a theatre which I plan to do this year as they tend to make it an experience with audience participation. I won't bore you but it's HUGE in NY and ongoers dress up n reenact with the movie while props accompany them n anything from toilet paper...rice and even hot dogs are tossed at the screen during certain times of the movie...but I digress...

This is gonna be a busy month for me. I have my cousin's wedding to attend and an Usher concert within the mix for October. With shorter days, my evening walks will drop off so I'll rely more on my pilates classes and afternoon walks IF I work from home. The tiny joy I'll take advantage of will be coffee on the balcony with the views of overlooking trees change colors. It's gorgeous n I don't take the ability to do so for granted. I will always stop n give God the glory first thing in the morning n give thanks for a healthy family but more importantly...a roof over our heads during uncertain times n where the money can get funny!

Yes, this will be a busy month but I have NOT forgot about my Fall Edition of a Sip Trip Meetup. It'll be my finale gathering before I hibernate around Thanxgiving until about early Feb. I am still available for one on one's and intimate gatherings but you won't see me at big events. I know, I know...u don't really see me at those now, lol. The colder seasons are just different for me as it relates to my tolerance level n mood. I just really wanna be around folks I know n love during these times becuz I feel the shift in the air between the spiritual warfare, election season n the linger of craziness plaguing society. I'm picky with my presence ;)

I hope u all can find some time to unwind more than not n slow down now that Summer is over. Relax n pay attention to ur surroundings. The energy changes n people moods will swing. I know we can get swept up so much in our own lives, u tend to miss signs of those near n dear to u becuz let's be real...nobody will raise there hand for help. We tend to suffer in silence. Reach out n Facetime if ur unable to lay ur eyes in the physical. CALL just to hear their voice vs relying on seeing them on social media. A simple "just thinking of u" type txt can make a world of difference to someone hanging by a thread. Just sayin!!

So here we are...Day 1 of 31 for October. Pools closed, kids bout to get report cards n AC is coming to a halt and my favorite...costume ideas make me chuckle but the execution of these costumes deserve awards. Life is serious enuff...I wanna escape in the month of October n get lost in creativity.

Any plans for the 10th month? Care to share below...

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