If your socks aren't sequin are u really even wearing em! Ha Ha! I actually am not a lover of socks...the country side of me likes to be barefoot n I feel like my toes don't like to be constricted by way of anything closed toe! I've had these for a while now n they collected dust n got no love as I moved em around every time I'd grab a less snazzy pair. On this day, the spirit hit me to toss em on n go to work.

These beauties are from ASOS (circa 2018) n if u click the link it'll show they are SOLD OUT!!
But don't fret!! They do this every year lol. They normally restock around holiday season ($13) then remnants linger til after xmas and go on sale for under $10-if your lucky! I wouldn't wait for a sale tho cuz they go quick. I always stalk the site in case they come in a green n blue-ish mermaid shade too.
Unfortunately, I can't even give y'all alternatives on where to find em becuz normally u could search around on etsy, amazon n nem but I ain't seen none like deez! If and when I do see them pop up again, I'll remind y'all n toss it in my #IGstories

The material is nothin to keep ur feet warm lol, they not even a pantyhose kinda material...more like...cheap pillowcase type vibes. Nonetheless, they're too cute n clearly for fashion purposes so the make of them don't bother me. I don't suggest tossing em in the washing machine unless u wanna *ping ping pop* be plucking sequins out lol. Oh...n don't think u gonna be able to walk around the house in these joints prancing unless u got good healthcare. Rug or rug, carpet or hardwood floors...u WILL go sliding n accidentally do that Tom Cruise glide:
Well dmn...now that I think about it...guess I gotta choose to wear these wisely lol. I'll transition some sandals into #Fall2020 with these when I'm feeling extra snazzy...as if I need to get any snazzier lol. The novelty of these socks I do enjoy, the longevity I can't speak on lol. Just don't hesitate to get em when u see em!! I can't wait to see how u style them to ur likings...make sure u tag me #ballsofbeautyblog cuz im nosey n wanna see.
