And here I am...again! Another first day of school for the books! My last hoorah aka Toot done started school-EEEK!! My baby is in pre-k and I am excited he gets to explore next level of toddler-ness n meet other mini people to hone his social skills. These covid kids have been put at such a disadvantage n some skipped the daycare scene. He's such a big boy tho n even tho I know the day was coming, u just don't get the rush of emotions until the day of.

My baby was just a babyyyyyy!! Who told time to speed up...from diapers to goin to the bathroom on his own wit no assistance. Mr. I'll get it n let me do it, makes my heart wink n reminds me to enjoy the moment n take it all in. Life is so crazy thinking bout how u watch kids grow up in the midst of ur own growth. My Toot is such a rewind from Mason being this little. Although they are each their own personalities, they bout one n the same.

Of course I can't take all the credit for my Toot's development n greatness. His dads (my boys) have a hand in it all n I've been the cherry on top. I'm the feminine sprinkle when I visit the "frat house" n the balance our modern family. They are truly amazing n it's a pleasure having a courtside seat or backstage passes to the show! As Mason's academics is coming to a closure, my Toot's is just gettin started. I'm sure he will be a pure joy to have in class n I tell him all the time how proud I am he's such a big boy. His little voice replies "thank u mommy" n I can see the spark he gets to do well with the life I speak into him by sicing him up. It's the cutest thing! He's a ray of sunshine n now a little parrot as he loves to mock n repeat everything **cue eyeroll** Cheers to my Toot's first day of school. The tradition of the first day of school gift WILL continue n a different form than before. I'm excited to watch 'em grow **wink**
